Mucaro Lab
We love to create


We're still working on this website. But if you have any questions, please email us at In the mean time, you can read a little about us below.

About Us

Like it says on the top, we love to create! Why? Who knows? But it makes us get up in the morning every day and be inspired by everything and everyone we see. It also makes us share those new ideas with others, to experience their reaction and see how similar we can be.

We've found that technology is a great way to express our creativity, specifically: Apps! So currently we're having fun creating web and mobile apps to see how much we can impact this awesome world we live in.

This is us:

Diego Pérez
The software developer of the team. Loves coffee, chocolate and nature.

Mónika Reyes
The artist of the team. Also loves chocolate and nature, but prefers tea.